yeah look at her pretty butt pretty butt that’s so that’s the older one right [Music] there here Bryce hey alliv SE here good girl did it okay everyone we just got home with our two new Clyde stale mares you’ve probably already watched the video where we picked them up and now we’re just getting home with them these are their first few moments here at Homestead horsemanship and we are so excited unfortunately we didn’t get a ton of footage this first evening of them here at the homestead uh but we did get some
clips and I thought I’d go ahead and share them with you just so you could kind of see them settle in see their first moments at their new home okay so we just got home we got the girls in here and I think right away what we’re going to do is um we didn’t have time to get a stall prepared before we left today so we’re going to work on getting a stall all bedded but and we’re going to get them all settled in we literally just pulled in so just got him out of the trailer look at this pretty girl’s
confirmation such a pretty girl so and then we’ll look at her feet after we get her settled in and stuff or maybe tomorrow before we actually look at it [Music] okay we just about got the stall done to our spreading the shavings that’s four bags I think of shavings yeah they could use another could use even more crazy and they’re what $6 a piece I don’t know something more than that probably at this point seven then we got I went ahead and put two buckets of water in here for her got to get those filled it’s what
everybody always thinks feeding a horse is expensive the bedding is the most expensive part yeah $28 for one stall yep that’s only good for a day or two hey yeah all of it I put some more in there I don’t know how deep it’s supposed to be yeah probably huh she’s big as she is that’s yep probably two more bags okay so as we’re treating her back back feet the point is is to keep the bedding really dry and clean so we’ll probably we don’t have many ladies in the install right now but other than that we don’t
have too many horses install so we’ll probably just keep them all clean and then kind of alternate her so that that way we have three stalls we’re going between it’ll be a little bit easier that way [Applause] okay so we are we got Luna stall all done for the night all clean now we’re going to go ahead and treat her back legs and I think Dew her right Jr um and then miss Beauty over here is just going to stay in the round pin tonight we’ll just get her some food she’ll be good for the night they’ll be in the same Barn not
right by each other but close to each other H I don’t like that they put a brand on her but it is kind of cool it’s an hjr Homestead Horsemanship how are you doing you sure being patient waiting for your [Music] food hey did everybody slow so we have her tied up over here because got all wet cuz she went potty and her feet need to be dry to do this we had to let her feet dry off okay so we kind of have had a couple accidents where she’s she’s pooped she stepped in in the poop she peed she stepped in the pee and now we have to
clean it all off and it just won’t be clean I cleaned her off twice and got her to where I was ready dry and ready to do it and then she messes herself again and steps so at this point it’s just getting late we need to get them situated for the night and and we’ll start the treatments in the morning I think cuz we’d have to wait a long time for it to be dry again so you booger so Jar’s going to just go ahead and hose her off so that she’s clean and then we’ll put her in a stall give her some food and she’s good for the night
oh girl okay guys both the girls are settled in they have feed water hay for the night um so we’re all just going to go into bed it’s been a long day it’s getting late and I think everybody’s just tired at this point so in the morning we’ll get back out here and kind of show you their first day here on the homestead Miss Beauty seems like a very sweet girl she’s just been super calm since we got here standing patiently waiting for her food she seems like she has a real sweet personality so it’s going to be
fun and then this girl’s back here in her stall she’s had some grain she’s getting hay now oh no she’s finishing her grain so this is the same stall that Oliver stayed in his first night here on the homestead so kind of a cool little thing yeah she seems a little bit jumpier than the other M hopefully Jr can work his magic on her calm her down a little bit okay good night good morning how did you do baby girl first night on the homestead hi you’re okay you’re okay doesn’t look like she ate much hay guess she didn’t
like it it’s not very yummy is it it’s not alphaalpha um okay so really quick I got to get busy feeding but uh I know I guess we didn’t go over how old um beauty is I don’t know what else to call her I guess we’re going to call her beauty but if we come up with another name that suits her better uh we could change it so far um we haven’t thought of anything but anyway she is a 5-year-old mayor so she’s perfect age um for having her first full so she is going to breed to all of her hopefully um she breeds
this month um she has a heat cycle but um it is the time of year when the light starts changing days become shorter uh that’s what causes them to stop coming into heat so most horses will not come into heat you know through the winter months when the light the days are shorter and then spring comes the days become longer and they start coming back into heat but uh I don’t think this is like right on the edge of where things start changing for them hopefully um she comes into heat and she’ll have a little
Oliver baby next year huh we’re going to see okay let’s go check on this girl hey hello good morning hi are you hungry oh you didn’t eat your hair either I guess they don’t like the hay hey guys so I just got Miss Luna fed um gave her her grain some supplements I have I’ll show you them here in a second she didn’t really eat her hay either that’s not good I gave him the second cutting cuz it’s right back here in the SP um of hay from this year so I’ll go over and get them some of the first cutting that Oliver has
hopefully they eat that not the best hay huh baby girl so as I’m editing this video it’s a couple days later and the girls are both settled in both eating well uh and both have decided that they do like the hay and at this point uh Miss Luna has already been to the vet which we were quite surprised about we thought it was going to be a couple weeks but they ended up getting us in uh the next day so I’m going to get that video done get it out to you all tomorrow that way you can stay on top of everything going on with Miss Luna and
her progress uh and in the meantime if you can give us a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and you can always find us on patreon we’re very very active over there we try to post daily um and it’s it’s just a lot of fun we have a really good community over there so make sure to check that out it’s going to be a lot of fun getting to know these two girls over the next couple of weeks uh we’re going to try and bring you guys along get as many videos done as we possibly can so make sure to stay tuned and we’l
talk to you tomorrow